Wind Mitigation Verification Inspeciton is one of the most important Insurance Inspectons homeowners can have in order to reassure insurance premium of the policy. We also offer General Home Inspection, Commercial Building Inspection, Mobile Home Inspection, Condo Inspection, Apartment Building Inspection, Restaurant Inspection, Convenience Store Inspection, Mall Inspection, Roof Certification, Tie Down Engineering Inspecton and any inspections related to homeowners insurance and real estate transactions. Wind Mitigation Inspection, 4 Point Inspection, Bartow
Based on the mitigation features of the house (roof to wall attachments, nail patterns, deck thickness, roof surface & opening protections) insurace rate can be adjusted. We as a Local Home Inspection company of Lakeland, Florida be able to perform your next inspections.
You may call us at anytime and or visit us on the website.
Thank You, Nasir Uddin
Home Inspector
Local Home Inspection LLC 863-513-9426